Tuesday, November 5, 2013

DIY Grocery Bag Holder

So this Christmas I have decided to go homemade more than usual in an effort to be more personal and money wise for gifts! For me personally, I LOVE getting homemade gifts for any occasion and I just hope others feel the same about mine :) So one of the many items I am making this year is something I have been thinking about for a while: a grocery bag holder!

Items you will need:

  • Thread to match fabric (I usually go with white so I can use it for multiple fabrics)
  • A 22"x17" rectangle of fabric (I taped 4 sheets of printer paper together for the pattern)
  • 3/ inch woven elastic
  • Ribbon, twine, etc. for top hanging loop

Once you have all of these materials it is simple! 
  • On each "short end" fold under 1/2 inch hem, press, and sew on both ends
  • cut two pieces of elastic, 10" long each
  • Stretch these pieces of elastic 1/2" inch below hem and sew. (Hold the elastic stretched out to the end while you sew, this is sometimes tricky but you'll get the hang of it soon, once you are done they will be scrunched up on both ends)
  • Then fold entire garment insider out with raw edges together. Stitch up entire side
  • Flip right side out and then attach small ribbon loop near one top end of garment and wa-la! You are finished!