Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Oreo Ice Cream Cake Tutorial

Hello All! This is my first tutorial so have mercy on me! :) I made this DELICIOUS cake in celebration of Labor Day and boy am I happy I did. Browsing through Pinterest I could not find the perfect ice cream cake recipe so I decided to make my own and here it is!

  • 1 package Regular Oreo Cookies
  • 1 Tub thawed regular Cool Whip
  • Approx. 2 tubs of Softened Vanilla Ice Cream (1.5 quart)
  • Chocolate Sprinkles (Found in ice cream toppings section)
  • 1/4 cup Melted Butter
  • Your Favorite Chocolate Sauce
  • 10" Spring Form Pan
Okay! Now comes the fun part- making the delicious treat! 
First off, take approx. 1/2 of your oreos and crush them up pretty small. I like to leave them a little bit bigger for an added crunch. You can break them with a blender, vitamix, in a plastic bag, or my personal favorite-  in a plastic bowl with the bottom of a coffee mug. 
Once these are crushed, add the melted butter and mix together. Then, press contents in the bottom of a spring form Pan and line edges of pan with oreos like this:
Once this is done, then take 1/2 of your softened vanilla Ice cream and spread layer onto oreos. Then squeeze a thin layer of chocolate syrup or chocolate fudge onto entire layer. Sprinkle chocolate sprinkles on this

 ...and then place remaining layer of ice cream onto that. One done top with the ENTIRE (Yeah- you heard that right!) cool whip container and top with desired garnishes! I placed mine pack into freezer for an hour to harden up for dessert. it made it much easier to cut. That gives you... 
This Delicious Treat!

I hope you all enjoy this recipe as much as I have and don't hesitate to shoot me a question anytime!


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