Monday, September 2, 2013

Welcome to my New Blog!

     Hello all! I have decided to start a blog... again! This one will be much more well kept now that my studies are over and I am a graduated woman! Woop woop!

     This blog will be a mash of my baking and cooking recipes, tutorials, and experiences. I will also (hopefully) be able to share some of the sewing and craft patterns I have made and used myself. And finally I want this blog to be an encouragement to those who may feel overwhelmed in life. Life can be glorious and God-designed if we simply allow Him to take the reigns. So... here's a little about me:

     I am a twenty-two year old young wife of almost two years to my awesome husband Josh! Many people (you would be surprised) thought I must have been pregnant or something crazy when we got engaged at nineteen and married at twenty but it's this simple: God gave us each other and we were ready to start our lives together- forever! I currently work as a decorator and maker of all things delicious at our local grocery store bakery and my husband works in the health plan area of our local hospital. Our jobs aren't glamorous but they are a provision of God and we are SO grateful to have jobs in this tough economy. Besides working- we love to go to the movies and go on little trips together. On the side you can see pictures of my Bunny Eloise and Cat Ivy- I spend lots of time with them and they keep me feeling carefree, they're so silly! I absolutely love baking and crafting for my family and friends. It is one of the most productive pass times I have found, and it really encourages people through little kinds acts like simply bringing them some cookies. Finally, we love being an example of the love of God in our daily lives. Often times it is so difficult to stay focused on God and it is a daily choice to follow Him. I will not try and act like it comes easy to me. Because when you are caught up in your daily shenanigans it gets TOUGH to stay Christ-like and seek His will. I really try to step back and take perspective and know that everything is for a reason. I know that many unanswered questions I have will some day be answered by God and until them I just need to keep seeking His face.

     I hope this tells you a little bit about me and my life and what this blog will hopefully become! Keep calm and carry on ladies!


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